Darling Companion (2012) Review

A woman Beth and her daughter rescue a dog out in the snow. But to prevent the dog being put down they decide to keep it, much to the dismay of her husband Joseph.

The daughter ends up marrying the Vet who was treating the dog when they took it in, so from that moment on I guess you know this film is going to be just a little bit crazy. That part actually sounds ok in comparison to the direction it went in, I do believe it had the potential to be decent story about a woman struggling with her daughters growing up and flying the nest.

The cast is rather strong with Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline leading the line, which is the main reason I decided to watch this film as a story about an animal is not a top choice when it comes to a film for me. But I decided to give it a try and the added bonus of Richard Jenkins who always seems to be such a nice guy why not. You often find some hidden gems of lost films on Netflix, unfortunately this is not one of those films.

So I mentioned earlier about the strange twist it takes, well Joseph too busy on the phone whilst walking the dog loses it. As you can imagine Beth is devastated with the loss and really blames Joseph as if he had done it on purpose. The search party is then put together. Which I guess that this point you are thinking well that’s fair enough, which it was . . . Until the woman working for the family has visions about where the dog is.



A part of me wanted to at this point turn the film off, but something made me watch it until the end. Like really what type of thing is that to have in a film?

I guess if it wasn’t for the fact of her story on how she became connected with animals that really made it oh so worse than it should have actually been. Obviously Keaton and Kline put in good performances but that is not enough to save this one. I guess there is a reason why I had not even heard of this film before. This is a risk with Netflix when you decide to watch a more unknown and hidden film with famous actors in it, sometimes it pays off and you find something good. Other times like this one you find something very bad and understand why you had never actually heard of it before. Wondering what made Netflix decide to have it on.

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