Someone Like You … / Animal Attraction (2001) Review

Jane Goodale is a producer on a daytime TV show and after a brief romance with Ray an executive producer on the show she must re-evaluate what she thinks about mens behaviour.

The film starts with showing a bull and a cow, which I have to admit was a very strange opening for a romantic comedy. But it does eventually become clear when comparisons are made and how Jane begins to think about men. Writing a newspaper column which is a big success, but obviously nobody knows that it is her.

The “romance” with Ray was never going to end well, I mean he already had a girlfriend. Or at least we are told he already has a girlfriend, he probably had lots knowing the way he was going on and came across. Not as the nicest of people at all, but we’ve all made mistakes. So something we can relate to with Jane, picking the wrong man and building him up to be something that he just isn’t in reality.

Then you have Eddie who is another colleague and ends up offering Jane a place to live when everything falls apart with Ray. He is lovely and seems to be a womaniser, but we quickly learn that he changed his ways after a big break up and having his heartbroken as well. He is a voice of reason and you can pretty much see how it is all going to end up.

It’s not the best of romantic comedies but by no means the worst either. Anything with Hugh Jackman in gets my attention, he really is a fantastic actor and has been in so many different types of films, theres not really much he won’t actually do. He is very charming in this one and you are rooting for him throughout. Greg Kinnear took on the role of Ray very well, but not really something you would massively expect from him either, always good to see actors taking on different types of roles.

I don’t think I’ve actually seen many of Ashley Judd’s films but thought she done well to be the main star of this one. She was relatable and you can imagine yourself acting in the same way she did after some of the events happened. Good support from Marisa Tomei as her best friend as well, again it feels real in the way they talk and try to help each other. You know you are pretty much screwed when you don’t actually listen to the advice they give you.

Even though this film was from 2001, it just shows that when it comes to men and relationships not much really chances over time. The same problems are always about and you just have to try to deal with them the best you can. I don’t really think this film had a massive comedy edge, more just a few moments. But that is life! So quite a real romantic comedy, well maybe apart from the happy ever after ending? Does that ever acting happen in real life?

Also you may notice the two different titles for the film as well, at some point it had a name change. So thought it was best to include both of them, especially as posters existed for both names as well.

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