Liar Liar (1997) Review

Fletcher Reede is a lawyer who cannot help but lie and keeps letting his young son Max down. So when he doesn’t turn up for his birthday Max makes a wish that his father cannot lie for 24 hours.

The main thing you have to remember when watching this film is that the 90s in comedy really were Carrey’s, he was the main man and I absolutely loved him as a kid. I don’t really remember ever watching this film properly until a couple of nights ago.

It has a good heart at the base of the story, Max just wants to spend time with his father and it takes his birthday wish to really change things. Fletcher suddenly realises that telling the truth is actually a good thing and appears to change during the course of the film. Obviously the film has many funny moments, especially when he is in situations which most people will tell a lie.

For a lawyer with a very important court case this does not bode well at all. Fletcher gets himself into more trouble than normal with his truth-telling or shouting at times. Nobody does this type of comedy better than Carrey, honestly he gives it his all in this film which is not one of his best. Still enjoyable though and you will find yourself laughing whether you want to or not.

This film is still relevant now as lying does seem to come easier for people than actually telling the truth. But do we always want the truth? I guess that is a whole different debate that cannot be answered in this review. But that is something about the film it makes you wonder if you would really like to hear the truth all the time. Sometimes the truth hurts, which I think shows at times in this film.

But it also shows that the truth can really set your free and help you live a much better life. Can this truly be possible all of the time? Probably not, do we believe that Fletcher will have changed for good? I find that quite difficult to believe, at least he admitted how much Max meant to him before it was too late. Well maybe he was a little late, which resulted in the craziest airport scene, possibly ever.

So after watching this it really reminded me of how much I love 90s Carrey!

8 thoughts on “Liar Liar (1997) Review

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  1. Still laugh a whole heck of a lot when watching this. I guess that’s just what happens when you’re a Jim Carrey fan because, if not, this movie’s a hard watch to get through. Good review Caz.


      1. I think so too! The Majestic and The Truman Show are my favorites of his, although the former didn’t get released until 2001. I actually love Carrey as a dramatic actor too.


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