Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Review

Middle Earth is full of different species and creates and many legends, great stories and the possibility of an amazing adventure. Frodo Baggins a Hobbit who lives in the shire ends up having an ancient ring in his possession which is actually the one ring.

The one ring is the ring which was made by the dark lord Sauron who wanted to use the ring to rule the whole of middle earth. When the ring is uncovered by the create Gollum to be in the Shire, Frodo must leave but he is not alone. Other Hobbits Sam, Merry and Pippin end up on the quest to leave Hobbiton and the Shire to meet Gandalf the Wizard. That does not go to plan when Gandalf is not at the place they are due to meet, a ranger who is refered to as Strider but later revealed as Aragorn who is heir to the throne of Gondor and the King of all men. He helps them to Rivendale to see the Elves and meet up with Gandalf. This is when the Fellowship of the ring is formed which is made up of the 4 Hobbits, Gandalf the Wizard, Gimil a Dwarf, Legolas an Elf and two men Aragorn and Boromir of Gondor. The quest of the fellowship is to destroy the ring.

The quest takes them over difficult roads in which they have Wizard Saurman working against them in an attempt to make it all more difficult for the Fellowship. They must travel through the mines of Moria which was once a Dwarf mine . . . although now it is more of a tomb after the orc’s took it from the Dwarves. This brings the first main fighting scenes with bows and arrows and a lot of fighting. It is not over however as when they are close to escaping from Moria, Gandalf comes up against the Balrog and does not make it out of Moria. The fellowship continue to Lothlórien and are helped by Lady Galadriel and use the water to continue their journey. Saurman has created an army to hunt the fellowship made of Urkiai which are stronger than Orcs. This sees the fellowship being split when Boromir dies and Frodo leaves to head to Mordor alone . . . well until Sam gives him no choice but to let him leave. Aragorn, Gimil and Legolas decide to track the Urikai who took Merry and Pippin with them.

I really find this film to be an amazing adventure film, it really doesn’t get any better than this. Seeing a fellowship formed to set off on a quest and form friendships. Helping each other out and experiencing many things which they never imagined possible, especially in the case of the Hobbits. It really does make you feel part of the fellowship and you want them to get the ring to Mordor as part of the quest.

The character build up in this film is part of the plus as well, making you really care about each character and understand the differences in the species which live in middle earth. It really does have a little of everything in this film. Parts to make you jump, make you laugh, make you cry and even a glimpse into the love story between Aragorn and Arwen. It really does set everything in a good direction for the second and third installment setting the groundwork of character development.

This is the film which really got me into watching all types of films and really begin to appreciate cinema, so I do owe a lot to Peter Jackson for bringing the trilogy to the big screen. Especially with the extended edition of the DVD which I actually watched everything on it. I really started to get into how the film was made how they done certain things and just totally fell in love with cinema.

19 thoughts on “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Review

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  1. Good review, Caz. Funny that my hubby mentioned/ LOTR several times in his review on Clash of the Titans (he’s my guest blogger for today). I thought that this movie was so well-done from the standpoint of the script, acting, cinematography, etc. It’s a beautiful movie to look at but it’s also got a poignant and deep story to go with it, which is what a lot of movies lack these days. Kudos to Peter Jackson for pulling off such a formidable task. That’s cool that this movie really makes you fall in love with cinema, for me that was Gone with the Wind and Ben Hur.


    1. I must check out Clash of the Titans then if he mentioned LOTR several times in it! Totally agree that a lot of films now lack a good deep story.


  2. Definitely agree, it’s so great to watch. It’s my favorite of the bunch because of the great mix of laughs, hopefulness and anticipation of the dark and adventurous things to come. Very epic.


    1. Yeah I have found that it seems to often be regarded as the favorite of the three films, mainly because of the whole adventure it sets up. Just brilliant!


  3. Nice write up Caz!! The more I watch this the more I just love it. Took one hell of an effort to bring this to the screen and it was done so damn well. Jackson is a phenomenal director and the adaptation, in my eyes, fared well with fans of the book and newbies.

    I also see it as a great pairing of practical effects and CGI that didn’t feel forced and really helped the story. Lots of films use CGI as a crutch but LotR worked very well and it was seamless.

    Oh, and thanks for the Blogroll add, I’ve done the same:) Have a great weekend!


    1. Yeah I couldn’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to bring it to the screen. Adapting it from the books whilst keeping the brilliant adventure.

      Yeah the effects and CGI really did work very well, and possibly helped start off a whole new type of film with the way they used it.

      No problem, you too 🙂


  4. The reason why this first part of Jackson’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ is superior to his latter two parts is because of restraint. Jackson was restrained from over doing it with the CGI and “epic” battle sequences, which in my opinion does not make a story epic. Part of the reason was simply because Tolkien did not have very many battles in the first part of his book, which thankfully forced Jackson to focus on creating a believable world rather than a believable hack-n-slash action movie.

    I don’t find much entertainment in watching people mutilate each other, but I love it when a movie engages me in a world, and ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ does just that. Certainly the most breathtaking scenes in the movie are the moments of patient observation, when the camera pans around and captures the beautiful settings of Middle Earth. I must give Jackson credit. He did hire some very extraordinary artists that have envisioned one of the grandest interpretations of Tolkien’s world.

    There are about five particular moments that stick out in my mind and gave me that tingle of goosebumps down my spine when I saw them for the first time. The first is the introduction to Hobbiton. After the somewhat awkward prologue, I was beginning to have my doubts to whether the movie would live up to the book. But the movie surprised me. Hobbiton is perfect. The houses have flower patches and old fences, the roads look worn and made through decades of travel, and the Old Mill spins with the laziness of a quiet town. Every color is vibrant and every moment looks as through it was taken out of a picture book. Although I still don’t agree with the particular look of the Hobbits, I believe everything else in Hobbiton is worthy of Tolkien’s words.

    The second moment comes after Frodo’s awakening in Rivendell, and the third, during the exploration of the Halls of Moria. In both moments, the camera pans away from the characters and outward into a static shot of their surroundings. The moments make us feel like we’re turning our heads and gazing at the world around us just as the characters do. The golden waterfalls of the elven city mark an interesting contrast with the dark halls of the dwarfish mines, but each are inspiring in their own ways and add to feeling of being engaged in a living world.

    My other favorite moments come during the exploration of Lothlorien and the passage down the Anduin. And while I won’t go into detail about the scenes, since they really should be experienced without any prior expectations, they are monuments in imaginative cinema. ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ is one of those rare movies that I always wish I could reexperience for the first time. Unfortunately, Jackson turned away from exploring Middle Earth in his next two movies, and instead, turned to fighting and warfare. He seems to take a lot of pride in the love story and battle sequences he created in ‘The Two Towers’ and ‘The Return of the King,’ but it is was in his first movie when he really got it right. In ‘The Fellowship of the Ring,’ it’s okay if the characters are uninteresting and have silly dialogue. Middle Earth is the star, and the characters are the ones seeing it for the first time.


  5. Stunning write up. There are so many moments to remember here; The prologue narrated by Galadriel, Bilbo’s birthday, Arwen riding to save Frodo, the inception of the Fellowship, the cave troll. I could list so many more but I think I’d be here all day.

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