The Bridges Of Madison County (1995) Review

I cannot decide who I keep falling more in love with Clint Eastwood or Meryl Streep. Each role I watch them in they make me love them so much more than I did before. Why does Clint Eastwood just seem to love ripping your heart out in the movies he directs, produces, stars in, etc?

Freelance photographer Robert (Clint Eastwood) was taking pictures of Madison County’s rare bridges and had a very brief but extremely moving affair with housewife Francesca (Meryl Streep). They really got to know each other inside outside in the matter of a week which was just so incredible. The differing emotions she showed after sleeping with Robert were so powerful. I found this quote “And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before.” So important as it just helped clarify that something really was missing from her life and he helped fill a void that had not previously been filled.

The rain scene was so incredibly powerful Robert soaking wet, crying but smiling all at the same time. The way Francesca was looking at him from the truck. It was all so emotional, the music playing over the scene made it even more emotional. Then sitting with her husband behind Robert’s truck, he places her necklace around the mirror so she can see it. I hoped she would get out and get into the truck she really wanted to be in  but we all know that this story does not have a happy ending, but still I was willing her to get out and go to Robert. The tears when she knows that is it, its over and she missed her chance to leave.

Each year on her birthday she would go back to the places where she went with Robert. She had no way of getting in contact with him as he had left the national geographic. Until one day she received a package from his attorney. He had written her a letter, and left everything he owned to her.

I really enjoyed the way in which the story was told. Through diaries, Francesca’s children were reading after she died. The emotions and impact it had on Carolyn and Michael while reading them and thinking that parts of their life were a lie. It must be so difficult to learn something about one of your parents. Michael took it really badly to start off with, he found it very difficult and felt that his mother cheated on him as well as on his father. But he eventually realised that she done it for him and the rest of their family. While they found out about all of this, it made an impact on their lives which helped them to make decisions on what to do. For Carolyn it might have just given her the courage to leave her husband as it was very clear she was not happy. But after hearing how unhappy her mother was she did not want to get sucked into the same type of life.

Clint Eastwood really does just amaze me each time I watch him in any different film, so many emotions that he can show and really just get into your head and also your heart all at the same time. He really is a fantastic actor. But not only to put in an incredible performance, but to also direct the film really shows just how much he can do. I have not seen any film with him in and which he directed that I did not like. I love them all.

I really do not know why it had taken me so long to watch this film, it certainly will not be the last time I watch this. I could definitely see it being a favorite of mine because it really is just such a lovely but heart breaking story. I am not afraid to admit that I really got involved with both of the characters and found myself filling up with tears at certain parts.

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